Poverty Alleviation Programmes

वृथा वृष्टिः समुद्रेषु, वृथा तृप्तेषु भोजनम् । वृथा दानं धनाढ्येषु वृथा दीपो दिवापि च ॥ .

अर्थ - समुद्र में बारिश बेकार है, पहले से ही खिलाया हुआ भोजन बेकार है |
परोपकार के लिए दान बेकार है, और दीपक, दिन में भी, बेकार है ||

Meaning:Rain in ocean is waste, food for the already-fed is waste |
charity to the opulent is waste, and lamp, even in daytime, is waste ||

The giving that is done with a sense of duty, without chance of return favor, considering the time, place and need of the recipient is considered as the best type of giving.So while it is true that one should give as if it is one's duty, a must chore, but the need of the recipient must be considered."


Poverty Alleviation Programmes

The poverty alleviation programmes in India can be categorized based on whether it is targeted either for rural areas or for urban areas in the country.Here in Udbhava we are trying to ensure that the people should be aware and take benefit of all such program available and can at least arrange for normal living. Most of the programmes are designed to target rural poverty as prevalence of poverty is high in rural areas. Also targeting poverty is a great challenge in rural areas due to various geographic and infrastructure limitations. The programmes can be mainly grouped into 1) Wage employment programmes 2) Self-employment programmes 3) Food security programmes 4) Social security programmes 5) Urban poverty alleviation programmes

The poverty alleviation programmes in India can be categorized based on whether it is targeted either for rural areas or for urban areas in the country.Here in Udbhava we are trying to ensure that the people should be aware and take benefit of all such program available and can at least arrange for normal living. Most of the programmes are designed to target rural poverty as prevalence of poverty is high in rural areas. Also targeting poverty is a great challenge in rural areas due to various geographic and infrastructure limitations. The programmes can be mainly grouped into 1) Wage employment programmes 2) Self-employment programmes 3) Food security programmes 4) Social security programmes 5) Urban poverty alleviation programmes